Saturday, September 13, 2008

Jack Stone's Bio!

You can thank Peter Berube for this one...;-)

Jack Stone was born on the couch of his mother’s one bedroom apartment in downtown Los Angeles. Jack’s father, a known member of the Irish mafia, was Daniel “Dynamite” Stone. After years of shady living, Dynamite Stone’s criminal ways finally caught up with him and he was arrested for racketeering by the LAPD’s star detective, John Eugene Rockette. Jack was forced to move in with his girlfriend Erin Cohen, a successful tradeshow spokes-model.

The two split a year later when Erin left Jack after a long, lengthy, & very obvious affair. Jack vowed on that day to never let anything go unnoticed. He looked back on the amazing John Eugene Rockette’s capturing of his family with great fondness. He knew the only way he would never be left in the dark again was to become the world’s best detective. After all, his incredible insight into the criminal world would give him an unrivaled edge in the detective world.

Jack enrolled in the Los Angeles Detective Academy to pursue his new dream. However, despite Jack’s incredible detective sense, he was released from the program due to poor classroom grades. Jack blames his hard partying roommate, now known as LAPD’s Detective Fluffkins, for ruining his chance of becoming a detective.

Failing out of the Detective Academy was a hard cross for Jack to bear. He took various low level jobs, always spending his paychecks on alcohol. Things seemed to change when Jack met Lindy Langley, a spritely young girl with inheritance money and a dream. Jack joined Lindy and formed the “Get A Clue Detective Agency”. This may finally be his chance to be a great detective, but Jack’s not counting on it.

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