Saturday, September 13, 2008

YouTube Insight

So Peter & I discovered a function in YouTube that allows you to check out the demographics of who is watching your videos. It was very informative. For instance:

- 74% of the people watching our "Get A Clue" teasers are female. I guess chicks like comedy/mystery web series teasers better than dudes do. Either that or our female friends on the mailing list are way nicer than our male friends. Thanks guys. THANKS.

- Most of our viewers live in Connecticut & California -- where Peter & I are from. Sooooooooooooo...that is good.

- Someone watched us in the Philippines! I like to imagine that he (no wait, SHE) is very very VERY excited about "Get A Clue". As she should be!

So here's to the Philippines -- which I had to look up how to spell! And here's to figuring out how on earth we can get more people to watch our show. Dun dun dun...

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